So tako neskončno lepa...
Dokler ni (upam, da le začasno) V. odšel čez mejo služiti denar, je vsako jutro stopil v mojo pisarno in mi zapel pesmico. Vsako jutro si je zmislil kaj novega, da me je spravil v smeh.
Kak dan nazaj sem morala na drugo lokacijo naše firme in pričakala me je taka kava:
Verjemite, da sploh nisem opazila, da vsebina dopisa, ki sva ga morala pripraviti s sodelavcem, ni nič kaj simpatična...
Danes, pa me je čakalo prav posebno presenečenje! Ponavadi pošto odpirajo v drugem oddelku, danes pa sem stopila v eno od sob polno pošte. In mi Balena reče: "Tole je pa zate! Boš sama odprla?" "Bom." Uh, tile paketki... Obstajajo naključja? Draga Staša, Anuša in SimON! Uspelo vam je, da se mi je na obraz narisal dodatni nasmeh in so mi v oči stopile solze ganjenosti! Hvala vam!!! Že cel dan vrtim Islands in the stream... Upam, da je bil tudi vaš dan tako lep kot ste ga vi naredili meni! Resnična hvala še enkrat!
Islands in the stream
Baby, when I met you there was peace unknown
I set out to get you with a fine tooth comb
I was soft inside, there was somethin going on
You do something to me that I cant explain
Hold me closer and I feel no pain
Every beat of my heart
We got somethin goin on
Tender love is blind
It requires a dedication
All this love we feel
Needs no conversation
We ride it together, ah-ah
Makin love with each other, ah-ah
Islands in the stream
That is what we are
No one in-between
How can we be wrong
Sail away with me to another world
And we rely on each other, ah-ah
From one lover to another, ah-ah
I cant live without you if the love was gone
Everything is nothin if you got no one
And you did walk in tonight
Slowly loosen sight of the real thing
But that wont happen to us and we got no doubt
Too deep in love and we got no way out
And the message is clear
This could be the year for the real thing
No more will you cry
Baby, I will hurt you never
We start and end as one, in love forever
We can ride it together, ah-ah
Makin love with each other, ah-ah
Repeat chorus
Sail away
Oh, come sail away with me