nedelja, 28. november 2010
Zadelo me je...
"...And it can't just be anybody. The crew has to be in good physical condition and well motivated. Crew members need to be selflessy dedicated to the runner's success. They also have to take care of their own needs during the race. If they don't, they'll fall apart before the runner does. After all, the crew is experiencing pretty much the same conditions as the runner. Instead of having a bunch of people seeing to their needs, however, they're the ones who are keeping it all together.
Attitude is really important. I think it's helpful if everyone has the ability to laugh. Otherwise, there could be a lot of tension. It also helps if you're able to stay awake for a long period of time, although crew members do spell one another for rest..."
In kaj pravi Chuck Giles, vodja Pamine suport ekipe:
"...Number one, a crew will never win the event for a competitor, but a crew can lose the event. The competitor will fail if he or she isn't fed, watered, and cooled. Also, in a way, the crew members need to be amateur psychologists. They have to know when to kick the competitor in the butt. However, one thing you never do is deal with negative issues. You don't say anything that will make a runner fearful or upset. You never say, "You're not going fast enough," or "You're going too slow." You say, "It may be a good idea if you go a little faster."
And it's also important to know when to disappear. It's good to have good talkers, people who can keep up a conversation. But sometimes Pam just wants to zone out. You need to be able to tell when it is.
The single most important criterion for a crew member is to be willing to do whatever needs to be done to get the job done. One question I ask someone whom I'm considering for a crew is, "If Pam got diarrhea, would you be willing to wash out her shorts and get them back to her?" That's a litmus test! They really need to be willing to do anything...."
And it's also important to know when to disappear. It's good to have good talkers, people who can keep up a conversation. But sometimes Pam just wants to zone out. You need to be able to tell when it is.
The single most important criterion for a crew member is to be willing to do whatever needs to be done to get the job done. One question I ask someone whom I'm considering for a crew is, "If Pam got diarrhea, would you be willing to wash out her shorts and get them back to her?" That's a litmus test! They really need to be willing to do anything...."
Fifty me pri selekciji v ekipo ni vprašal tega vprašanja. Smo pa imeli, po zaslugi Aleka, ki se nam je v ekipi pridružil na Ultrabalatonu in ima izkušnje iz DOSa (kolesarske preizkušnje po Sloveniji), joke na temo do kje smo pripravljeni... Zdaj vem.
četrtek, 25. november 2010
torek, 23. november 2010
Lajanje v luno...
petek, 19. november 2010
Miklavž?, Božiček?, Dedek Mraz? ali pa morda kar vsi trije skupaj, da bi se mi želja res uresničila... Letos Ti/Vam po dolgem času ponovno pišem. Prosim, ne nosite mi ničesar! Najsrečnejša bom z odgovoroma na vprašanji Kaj...? in Zakaj...? In ne sprašuj(te) me ali sem bila v letošnjem letu pridna! Verjetno se to skriva v odgovoru...??? Hvala.
sreda, 17. november 2010
torek, 16. november 2010
ponedeljek, 15. november 2010
nedelja, 14. november 2010
Perzijske rockerske mačke?




Tole ne, me je pa spomnilo na dogodivščine...
In kot nalašč, mi PC ne pusti naložiti fotk od tam????
Vir: VSEBINAV zgodbi, postavljeni v osrčje Teherana, avtor skozi namišljeni indie rock duet, ki spoznava iranske glasbene skupine, mojstrsko zabrisuje mejo med realnim in fiktivnim ter prepleta komedijo, dramo in triler.
Negar in Aškan po izpustitvi iz zapora tavata po Teheranu. Ustanoviti želita svojo skupino ter nastopiti na glasbenih festivalih v Londonu in Parizu, a nimata ne denarja ne potovalnih dokumentov. Medtem ko iščeta morebitne kandidate za svojo skupino, spoznavata iransko glasbeno alternativo – navkljub budnemu vladnemu radarju tudi tam obstaja cela paleta glasbenih zvrsti, od jazza in bluesa do heavy metala in perzijskega rapa. Ob glasbi pa spoznavata tudi črni trg potnih listov in vizumov, ki bi jima lahko omogočil načrtovano emigracijo v Anglijo.
»Vse, kar vidite v filmu, je resnično. Zgodba je resnična, dodali smo samo nekaj elementov, kot je Negarina smrt. Res je, da je v Teheranu med glasbenim dogodkom vsak teden vsaj ena smrtna žrtev. Vladni agenti vdrejo v hišo in razženejo ljudi; njihovo vedenje je popolnoma nevzdržno. Želel sem posneti resničen dokumentarec, a tedaj sem spoznal te moške, ki so vedeli toliko zgodb in nisem mogel dopustiti, da v mojem filmu ne bi bile povedane. Subkulturna glasba v Iranu ni takšna kot v drugih državah. V Iranu skuša vlada vse iztrebiti.« (Bahman Ghobadi)
sobota, 13. november 2010
petek, 12. november 2010
četrtek, 11. november 2010
sreda, 10. november 2010
torek, 9. november 2010
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