četrtek, 30. april 2015
sreda, 29. april 2015
Prosim, pomagajte ljudem iz doline Tsum! Please, help people from Tsum Valley!
Sem rekla, da ne bom pisala na blog, ker moje fotografije povedo skoraj vse kar mislim. A tokrat, ne morem brez besed. Misli se mi vrtijo v krogu. Fizično sem tu, a moje misli so tam. V Nepalu.
I have rarely used any words on this blog because I believe that my photos say everything. But this time, words are necessary. My thoughts are spinning. Physically I'm here, but my thoughts are there - in Nepal.
Preden sem novembra 2013 odšla v Nepal, sem se udeležila otvoritve razstave Vikija Grošlja »Velikani Himalaje«. Takrat mi je rekel: »Nepal te zasvoji.« Gledala sem ga z velikimi očmi in spuščenimi čeljustmi. Nisem razumela kaj mi želi povedati.
In November 2013, before I went to Nepal, I had attended the opening of Viki Grošelj's photo exhibition titled "Giants of the Himalayas". He said to me: "Nepal is addictive." I looked at him with big eyes and my jaw dropped. I did not understand what he meant.
Na razstavi sem po skoraj osmih letih srečala zame zelo pomembna velikana Staneta Rotarja in Miša Jamnika, s katerimi sem prvič osvojila Ararat. Mišo se je ravno nekaj dni prej vrnil z okolice Manasluja kamor sem odhajala. Z ženo Mojco sta obiskala grob njenega Nejca. Nejca Zaplotnika je 24. aprila 1983 zasul ledeni plaz, ki se je zrušil iz Manaslujeve južne stene.
At the exhibition, almost after eight years, I met, for me very important giants, Stane Rotar and Mišo Jamnik, with whom I climbed Mount Ararat for the first time. Just a few days before, Mišo had returned from the area of Manaslu where at the time, I was actually headed myself. He and his wife Mojca visited the grave of her Nejc. An avalanche of ice coming down from the south face of Manaslu buried Nejc Zaplotnik on 24 April 1983.
Po 32 letih, praktično na enak datum, 25. aprila 2015, so se tla tam ponovno tresla… Pretresla me je prošnja prijatelja Sonama za molitve zaradi potresa, ki je stresel njegovo domovino. S polbratom Pemom sta me naučila njihovih budističnih molitev »om, mani, padme, hum«. Pokazala sta mi lepote njune domovine, predvsem doline Tsum, spoznala z domačini in njihov način življenja. Takrat sem spoznala, kaj mi je Viki želel povedati. Ja, Nepal te zasvoji!
After 32 years, almost on the same date, 25 April 2015, the ground trembled there again ... A request for prayers from my friend Sonam saddened me deeply as the earthquake shook his country. He and his half-brother Pema have taught me their Buddhist prayer "Om, Mani, Padme Hum". They showed me the beauty of their country, especially of their valley Tsum, and introduced me to the locals and their way of life. I realized then what Viki had wanted to tell me. Yeah, Nepal is addictive!
V glavi se mi motajo vprašanja: »Kaj je z vsemi ljudmi, ki sem jih srečala? Kako so tisti, ki jim lahko rečem prijatelji? Zakaj nisem sledila svojim otroškim izjavam za lokalni časopis, da bom zdravnica, ko bom velika? Verjetno bi bila sedaj že na poti tja? Zakaj ne morem izkoristiti svojega znanja, ki sem ga pridobila kot inštruktorica vodnikov psov reševalcev? Zakaj….«
My head is full of questions: "What's with all the people I've met? What is going on with the ones I can call friends? Why didn't I follow my childhood dream as expressed in a local newspaper, that I would like to become a doctor when I grow up? Now I would probably already be on my way there? Why couldn’t I take advantage of my knowledge that I have gained as an instructor for rescue dog guides? Why ... ".
Ja, vem, da se to ali kaka druga naravna katastrofa lahko zgodi tudi tu, nam. A to v tem trenutku ne olajša življenja ljudem tam!
Yes, I know that this or any other natural disaster can happen here, to us. But at this moment that does not help anyone over there!
Če bi misli lahko pomagale…
If thoughts could help...
Sonam je s prijatelji iz sosednjih dolin sprožil iniciativo. Kaj in kako so opisali v spodnjem programu.
Sonam and his friends from neighboring villages have prepared the recovery program. Please see the program below:
Prosim vas, dragi bralci, pomagajte tudi vi in razširite njihove želje!
Please, dear readers of the blog, help the friends from Tsum Valley and share their wishes!
Thank you!!!!
Vabim vas, da si Mitjeve slike doline Tsum pogledate tu: http://freeweb.t-2.net/pajkec/Nepal/index.html
Mitja's photos from the Tsum Valley are published here: http://freeweb.t-2.net/pajkec/Nepal/index.html
I have rarely used any words on this blog because I believe that my photos say everything. But this time, words are necessary. My thoughts are spinning. Physically I'm here, but my thoughts are there - in Nepal.
Preden sem novembra 2013 odšla v Nepal, sem se udeležila otvoritve razstave Vikija Grošlja »Velikani Himalaje«. Takrat mi je rekel: »Nepal te zasvoji.« Gledala sem ga z velikimi očmi in spuščenimi čeljustmi. Nisem razumela kaj mi želi povedati.
In November 2013, before I went to Nepal, I had attended the opening of Viki Grošelj's photo exhibition titled "Giants of the Himalayas". He said to me: "Nepal is addictive." I looked at him with big eyes and my jaw dropped. I did not understand what he meant.
Na razstavi sem po skoraj osmih letih srečala zame zelo pomembna velikana Staneta Rotarja in Miša Jamnika, s katerimi sem prvič osvojila Ararat. Mišo se je ravno nekaj dni prej vrnil z okolice Manasluja kamor sem odhajala. Z ženo Mojco sta obiskala grob njenega Nejca. Nejca Zaplotnika je 24. aprila 1983 zasul ledeni plaz, ki se je zrušil iz Manaslujeve južne stene.
At the exhibition, almost after eight years, I met, for me very important giants, Stane Rotar and Mišo Jamnik, with whom I climbed Mount Ararat for the first time. Just a few days before, Mišo had returned from the area of Manaslu where at the time, I was actually headed myself. He and his wife Mojca visited the grave of her Nejc. An avalanche of ice coming down from the south face of Manaslu buried Nejc Zaplotnik on 24 April 1983.
Po 32 letih, praktično na enak datum, 25. aprila 2015, so se tla tam ponovno tresla… Pretresla me je prošnja prijatelja Sonama za molitve zaradi potresa, ki je stresel njegovo domovino. S polbratom Pemom sta me naučila njihovih budističnih molitev »om, mani, padme, hum«. Pokazala sta mi lepote njune domovine, predvsem doline Tsum, spoznala z domačini in njihov način življenja. Takrat sem spoznala, kaj mi je Viki želel povedati. Ja, Nepal te zasvoji!
After 32 years, almost on the same date, 25 April 2015, the ground trembled there again ... A request for prayers from my friend Sonam saddened me deeply as the earthquake shook his country. He and his half-brother Pema have taught me their Buddhist prayer "Om, Mani, Padme Hum". They showed me the beauty of their country, especially of their valley Tsum, and introduced me to the locals and their way of life. I realized then what Viki had wanted to tell me. Yeah, Nepal is addictive!
V glavi se mi motajo vprašanja: »Kaj je z vsemi ljudmi, ki sem jih srečala? Kako so tisti, ki jim lahko rečem prijatelji? Zakaj nisem sledila svojim otroškim izjavam za lokalni časopis, da bom zdravnica, ko bom velika? Verjetno bi bila sedaj že na poti tja? Zakaj ne morem izkoristiti svojega znanja, ki sem ga pridobila kot inštruktorica vodnikov psov reševalcev? Zakaj….«
My head is full of questions: "What's with all the people I've met? What is going on with the ones I can call friends? Why didn't I follow my childhood dream as expressed in a local newspaper, that I would like to become a doctor when I grow up? Now I would probably already be on my way there? Why couldn’t I take advantage of my knowledge that I have gained as an instructor for rescue dog guides? Why ... ".
Ja, vem, da se to ali kaka druga naravna katastrofa lahko zgodi tudi tu, nam. A to v tem trenutku ne olajša življenja ljudem tam!
Yes, I know that this or any other natural disaster can happen here, to us. But at this moment that does not help anyone over there!
Če bi misli lahko pomagale…
If thoughts could help...
Sonam je s prijatelji iz sosednjih dolin sprožil iniciativo. Kaj in kako so opisali v spodnjem programu.
Sonam and his friends from neighboring villages have prepared the recovery program. Please see the program below:
Prosim vas, dragi bralci, pomagajte tudi vi in razširite njihove želje!
Please, dear readers of the blog, help the friends from Tsum Valley and share their wishes!
Thank you!!!!
Vabim vas, da si Mitjeve slike doline Tsum pogledate tu: http://freeweb.t-2.net/pajkec/Nepal/index.html
Mitja's photos from the Tsum Valley are published here: http://freeweb.t-2.net/pajkec/Nepal/index.html
Odklopila :-) ob 10:05 0 comments
torek, 28. april 2015
ponedeljek, 27. april 2015
sobota, 25. april 2015
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