nedelja, 24. december 2017
nedelja, 12. november 2017
sreda, 25. oktober 2017
Foto natečaj "Čez meje"
Konjski festival iz doline Tsum, kjer domačini poženejo svoje konje čez vse meje in se tudi na tak način zahvalijo bogovom za dobro letino.
Popotniško novinarstvo je v okviru festivala BIVAK IV razpisalo natečaj z naslovom "Čez meje". 12 izbranih fotografij bo do 30.10. razstavljenih v hostlu Celica. Med njimi tudi moja fotografija iz doline Tsum v Nepalu.
Odklopila :-) ob 19:06 0 comments
torek, 24. oktober 2017
Phunjo Lama
I've met Phunjo in the year 2013 in remote village Tsum in Himalaya. She was very shy. She couldn't speak English. She had to ask her brother to translate each word, each setence...
She came in Slovenia in 2015, to visit me and to learn how our mountain rescuers use the helicopter and how they rescue. In just two years she learned so much English that we could easily talk.
I was glad to be like a member of her family when I came in Kathmandu in the year 2015. At that time I could see how commited is she to reach her goals: to build a school in the remote village in Tsum valley, where she came from; to become the long-line rescuer and specially how commited is she to show the girls and women in Nepal, that they can dream their dreams and to empower them, that everything is possible. She trains very hard each day. The only women in a group of young fellows.
Last year she reached the summit of Cho Oju. This days she came home from her second 8000+ m peak: Manaslu and next year goal is Everest. I am very proud on her.
She came in Slovenia in 2015, to visit me and to learn how our mountain rescuers use the helicopter and how they rescue. In just two years she learned so much English that we could easily talk.
I was glad to be like a member of her family when I came in Kathmandu in the year 2015. At that time I could see how commited is she to reach her goals: to build a school in the remote village in Tsum valley, where she came from; to become the long-line rescuer and specially how commited is she to show the girls and women in Nepal, that they can dream their dreams and to empower them, that everything is possible. She trains very hard each day. The only women in a group of young fellows.
Last year she reached the summit of Cho Oju. This days she came home from her second 8000+ m peak: Manaslu and next year goal is Everest. I am very proud on her.
She is collecting the contributions to reach all those goals. She prepared the fundraise webpage: . She would be glad if you help her to reach her goals with your contribution.
Odklopila :-) ob 06:00 0 comments
ponedeljek, 23. oktober 2017
Stiska pri Fotomaratonu ali Fotomaraton 2017 trga gate!
Hardship at Photo marathon or Photo marathon 2017 tears the pants!
FRAME, 15-38 Réseau Med, Zavod APIS, Jordan Pioneers, in L'Etoile du Sud so združili moči v novi ediciji Foto maratona 2017. Po vsej mediteranski regiji smo fotografi 14. oktobra sočasno zavzeli ulice in v dvanajstih urah dokumentirali dvanajst skrivnih tem. Rezultat je nabor fotografij, ki upodabljajo dan v življenju petih mest: Bejrut, Marseille, Ljubljana, Batna, Aman. Obdelava fotografij ni bila dovoljena. Fotografiral si lahko le z eno napravo (fotoaparat ali telefon). Osrednja tema fotomaratona je bila: DUŠA MESTA / THE SOUL OF THE CITY. Na 4 ure smo dobili po 4 teme:
Odklopila :-) ob 21:12 0 comments
nedelja, 22. oktober 2017
Tisti dan / Sanja Pregl
Tistega pravega dne, ko si boste zaželeli postati glavni igralci v svojem življenju, vzemite v roko knjigo »Tisti dan!« Spomnila vas bo, da je ta trenutek zakon. Vam prišla prav, ko se boste odločali kakšne volje boste, ali pa vam gre kakšna lastna navada pošteno na živce, ker je tako zelo zakoreninjena v vas. Ponovno boste cenili podarjeni čas in pozornosti, svoje znanje in vedenje ne pa mišljenje drugih. Z veseljem si boste rekli: »Jaz sem lahko vse, kar si zaželim!«
Piši na in si naroči svoj izvod.
Odklopila :-) ob 15:21 0 comments
Labels: Books
četrtek, 12. oktober 2017
sreda, 11. oktober 2017
torek, 10. oktober 2017
petek, 6. oktober 2017
četrtek, 5. oktober 2017
Petra Škarja, Camino - Od suženjstva do svobode
Naše poti so lepe, a ovinkaste... S Petro sva si v nekaterih stvareh kar podobni. Njene knjige me spodbudijo k razmisleku, njen pozitivni pristop k življenju in poslovnemu svetu pa navdaja z upanjem, da bo svet kdaj lepši! :-) Hvala, Petra!
Nekaj "Caminov" čaka tudi mene... Se beremo! ;-)
Odklopila :-) ob 21:31 0 comments
Labels: Books
sreda, 4. oktober 2017
nedelja, 1. oktober 2017
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