nedelja, 25. marec 2018


I would like to thank you, all my friends, relatives and colleagues who donated for reconstruction of damaged school in Tsum valley. This certificate is not only for me. It is for all of us who contributed that school is rebuilt!

I knew that situation in Tsum Valley after the earthquake in April 2015 was bad, as I have trusted my Nepali friends Phunjo, Dhawa, Pema, Sonam who were very concerned regarding education of children in remote Valley. I have presented the situation to my friends here in Slovenia. Many of them decided to help with their contributions. In December 2015, when I came in village Chumling in Tsum, I saw a sad picture of local school.

In two years Phunjo, Dhawa, Sonam and many others succeeded to rebuild the school and following pictures of Dawa are amazing!

Phunjo, Dhawa, Sonam and all your friends, I'd like to say thank you for what you have done! And again: My Slovene friends, relatives and colleagues, I am grateful for your help!

torek, 13. marec 2018


nedelja, 11. marec 2018

Natečaj "Žena u fokusu"

Med izbranimi fotografijami na natečaju Fotokluba Krk je tudi moja fotografija Minljivost/Fleeting s Portugalske. Izbrane so bile tudi fotografije drugih dveh članov Fotokluba Ljubljana Igorja Debevca in Blaža Fortune. Bravo mi!

sobota, 10. marec 2018

Dan mučenikov

četrtek, 8. marec 2018

Trilogija ob 8. marcu

Take fotografije nastanejo, ko v zameno za svoji fotografiji dobiš podpisan zadnji izvod 1. izdaje knjige "Seksi pite" in knjigo "Seksi lahke sladice" bratov Šketa. Zagotavljam, da sta bili gostji zelo zadovoljni! In ja, Simon me je prepričal, da pite ne poznajo meja in gre knjiga lahko tudi z mano na pot. Ali jih bom uspela "prodati" kot slovensko jed, pa poročam kdaj v prihodnje...

ponedeljek, 5. marec 2018