torek, 31. julij 2018

Llamas on the Zum Ziegenbauer farm

 Kdo bo prvi? / Who will be the first?

 Combo z mamo / Combo with mother

 Portret / Portrait

 Šerpa Julius / Sherpa Julius

 Solero / Solero

 Uživancija / Pure joy

Utrujen kot.... lama / Tired as... llama

Fotografije s spodnjim tekstom so bile objavljene v družinskem časopisu Trte. / The photos with the text below were published in family newspaper "Trte" (Vines).

April sem preživela na kmetiji Zum Ziegenbauer v kraju Erlbach na Bavarskem v Nemčiji. Za to delo sem se prijavila preko spletnega portala Workaway.
Na kmetiji pri Sabine in Manfredu imajo različne vrste živali, a prav posebna je zaradi lam. Kar 22 jih imajo. Neskončno sem uživala pri njih. Prepričana sem, da bi tudi vi! Če pa si želi kdo prav posebnih dogodivščin, na primer trekinga z lamami ali pa otroške rojstnodnevne zabave z iskanjem zaklada v družbi lam, naj si pogleda njihovo spletno stran ali pa naj me kontaktira, da vam dam podatke in se dogovorite za obisk. Sama jih prav gotovo še obiščem. Sedaj imajo tudi dve kameli! Torej vam sploh ni treba v daljne kraje v puščavo, ampak le dobre štiri ure na sever.

The whole April, I spent on the farm Zum Ziegenbauer in Erlbach, Bavaria, Germany. I applied for this work through the Workaway web portal.
There are different species of animals on the farm at Sabine and Manfred, but it's very special because of the llamas. There are 22 of them. I enjoyed there indefinitely. I'm sure you would too! But if someone wants to have some special adventures, such as trekking with llamas or a children's birthday party with treasure search in the company with them, look at their website or contact me, to give you contact data and you could arrange yourself for a visit. I will definitely visit them again. Now they also have two camels! So you do not even need to go to distant places in the desert, but only four hours to the north.

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