četrtek, 23. januar 2014

Tsum Valley - Hidden Valley

Dolina Tsum. Dolina z več imeni - Tsum, Skrita dolina. Gotovo ima med lokalnimi prebivalci še kakšno ime. V njej ni asfaltnih cest in edino prevozno sredstvo, ki sva ga z Mitjem srečala, je bilo eno samcato kolo.

Tsum Valley. Valley with many names – Tsum, Hidden Valley or those known only to the local people. There are no asphalt roads and the only means of transportation Mitja and I came across was a bicycle. Just one.

V dolino se lahko pride peš,  

The valley can be reached on foot,

s konjem ali  

on a horse or

v nujnih primerih s helikopterjem. 

in emergencies - with a helicopter.

In za ta biser na svetu se je nepalska vlada odločila, da ga bo s cesto povezala s Tibetom. Ne da bi naredila kakršen koli načrt ali da bi za mnenje povprašala lokalne prebivalce. 

And the Nepalese government had decided to build a road connecting this beautiful gem with Tibet. The construction was not based on any plans or consultations with the local residents whatsoever.

Vlada se je odločila, da spustijo buldožer po zraku in začeli so kopati... Delati cesto, ki vodi od nič do ničesar.

The government decided to drop a bulldozer from the air and begin building a road that leads from zero to nothing.

V dolini je nešteto kulturnih spomenikov, ki niso tam le za okras,  

There are numerous cultural monuments in the valley and they are not just there for decoration,

tamkajšnji prebivalci jo zvesto negujejo. 

the local residents deeply cherish and nurture their cultural heritage.

In ob potezah države lahko le nemočno opazujejo kaj se dogaja. Ali pa povejo svojo zgodbo svetu! 

With the government's measures, all they can do is stand by and watch helplessly. Or tell the world their story!

Predlagam vam ogled filma Mani, the hidden valley of happiness at a crossroads, ki bo v četrtek, 27. februarja 2014 ob 16. uri v Cankarjevem domu predvajan na 8. festivalu gorniškega filma Domžale, ki bo potekal od 24. do 28. februarja. Prepričana sem, da je vredno ogleda! 

I strongly recommend you to go see the film Mani, the Hidden Valley of Happiness at a crossroads, which will be shown during the 8th Mountain Film Festival Domžale, held from 24 - 28 February. I'm sure it is worth seeing!

Morda vas tako navdušijo kot so mene in jih obiščete tudi v živo. Ker tja ne moreš brez agencije vam predlagam: http://www.tsumvalleyhomestay.com/.

Perhaps you will be as impressed as I was and will want to visit them in person. As you cannot go there without an agency, here is my recommendation: http://www.tsumvalleyhomestay.com/.

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